Sabtu, 07 Maret 2009

You Cannot Hide From Innovation

By Lance Winslow

You cannot live in a world without change, it is a physical impossibility. Moreover, you should not try to avoid change, rather you should embrace it, understand it and welcome it. You cannot hide from innovation, just like you cannot hide from change, nor should you attempt to. Innovation is everywhere and even if you do not see the changes in real time, think back 20-years, there were no cell phones, no fax machines, no laptops, and no iPods.
Now then, when we look at the many the innovations of our time we see the incredible benefits they bring us. They make us more efficient, save us time, help us communicate and hopefully improve our standard of living and quality of life. Consider, the computer, email, social networks, and the many informational websites. All good right, sure they are, so you have to ask yourself why is everyone so down on innovation and change?
Well, it all gets back to human nature, and human needs, the need for stability, comfort, safety, and sense of security. Some of the reasons people resist change and shun innovation is really all about fear. Fear of the unknown. The reason folks hide from it, is solely due to the fight or flight response. They'll either run from it and hide or attack it; attacking those who bring it about or threaten to create change in the world.
The innovator must deal with this, it is a constant battle, yes, one worth fighting for even if those who attack do so merely out of fear of the future unknown, so please consider this.

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