Sabtu, 07 Maret 2009

Corporate Values - Innovation

Innovation as a corporate value; I would not use it..."Innovation is a driving force in our company. It enables us to create new products and technologies as well as processes." The above statement is more of a wish what the company would like the achieve than a statement about value what it likes to be.
A first reason why innovation doesn't fit very well in the catalog of corporate values is that it is too much business related. Who would you tell your recruitment department to focus on hiring employees that are innovative? And is it important for employees to be innovative even if your company's main focus is innovation? Another question is whether innovation fits as a business focus. Some companies more than others need continuous innovation, but that doesn't mean each and every employee must be screened top match the innovator.
A suitable value that may replace innovation is creativity. Change is another, but as a value it is not very suitable. You can ask people to act with integrity, responsible, focused on performance, but you cannot ask them to accept any change without knowing what and why. The dilemma with innovation is similar; it must serve a purpose.
Credibility is also at stake: what would you do if the corporate value "innovation" doesn't reflect the tendency of the human resources in the organization?
Corporate values are often announced and selected after a change. The management of the company has analyzed the business and found a lack of focus in the organization and as an answer a set of values are to solve a cultural problem. The right remedy for these kinds of situations is to get the business (focus and strategy) right first and than reorganize the structure of the organization. Corporate values may help in this alignment process, but they cannot solve problem.

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