Sabtu, 07 Maret 2009

You Cannot Hide From Innovation

By Lance Winslow

You cannot live in a world without change, it is a physical impossibility. Moreover, you should not try to avoid change, rather you should embrace it, understand it and welcome it. You cannot hide from innovation, just like you cannot hide from change, nor should you attempt to. Innovation is everywhere and even if you do not see the changes in real time, think back 20-years, there were no cell phones, no fax machines, no laptops, and no iPods.
Now then, when we look at the many the innovations of our time we see the incredible benefits they bring us. They make us more efficient, save us time, help us communicate and hopefully improve our standard of living and quality of life. Consider, the computer, email, social networks, and the many informational websites. All good right, sure they are, so you have to ask yourself why is everyone so down on innovation and change?
Well, it all gets back to human nature, and human needs, the need for stability, comfort, safety, and sense of security. Some of the reasons people resist change and shun innovation is really all about fear. Fear of the unknown. The reason folks hide from it, is solely due to the fight or flight response. They'll either run from it and hide or attack it; attacking those who bring it about or threaten to create change in the world.
The innovator must deal with this, it is a constant battle, yes, one worth fighting for even if those who attack do so merely out of fear of the future unknown, so please consider this.

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Tales of the Everyday Genius (Modern Ulysses)

By Joshua Clayton

The everyday genius is a patient gardener, plodding life technician, and honest worker all in one body, mind, soul and spirit. I mean this in the best ways, and if there was no such thing as my description of the everyday genius this would not be able to exist as an article.
To live in a practical way life and existence at even the most normal levels must be juggled, adjusted to and worked with like an ancient warrior or monarch at the highest level fights and wins against monsters in a great epic story of the ancient sort, only bring it down to the working man or woman in the modern day conquering his or her life. Some win, some lose. Indeed, know this for certain though: right down to fighting the tax man for the right to keep some of your own money for yourself in the form of a "refund" it is an uphill working battle for the everyday genius of an epic sort only in a smaller way than that ancient warrior or monarch. Keep in mind that I am equating the largest unit of power of the past with the seemingly smallest and most counted unit of power of the present and future: The warrior or ruler all the way down to the everyday genius. So, unlike that warrior this is a story of everyone, seemingly simply told, until broken down into the common realities of life for everyone.
Consider this, everyone is a warrior or ruler in their own realm when looked at it that way. Simply put, it all comes down to honesty about it all if you are genuinely successful and dishonesty and evasion if you are not. So, now we get to assembly line thinking, break it down to the smallest unit if you want to get the full gist of the whole. Like a hologram contains the sum of the whole in its smallest parts. Sure, if it is too large, you do not get a clear picture, but if you look at each part and how it works, then it is clearer. In this case, the view of one concept of mine, "the everyday genius" that builds societies through jobs, work, making a living and creating values. To look at things in a far ranging way, break the present and past (in that order) down and understand the trends and then take action on the logic you come up with in the most successful as possible manner. Sure, it could be that simple, but I will take the rest of this article to disseminate the logic of being a genuine and successful "everyday genius", now that I have described the parameters of the "everyday genius" I am typing and writing about.
In logical terms, you start from A and go to B and so on, until the alphabet is complete, and then once you have the alphabet, you form basic words to describe things, and then you go on to control your environment with the understanding you gain and the action you can take on that understanding. It is the real fact of life for the ruler as well as the everyday person and changes for no one.
So, in thinking about life, once the thoughts are complete, action must be taken to consummate the cycle of action. Thought is one thing, but action is always an extension of the thoughts for ruler as well as everyday person alike. When all is said and done: logic, honesty and reality are created through rational action combined with rational thought, not just thought alone. The mind is the lever, and reality is the machinery. The rest is up to our intentions, speaking of results and intentions. Life can seem to play favorites, but it does not, it is results and intentions that say yes or no through the medium of the lever and machinery. The everyday genius or the grand ruler monarch, the rules are always the same, no matter what. If human consciousness is there, you know those rules are lived by no matter what. This is the reality of the situation that does not alter for a single person no matter what. This is the long and short distance call that goes through only when done right. This is it. This is the told tale of everyone really. This says yes or no. I know this has no evasion or "irrational romance" to it, but, this is what it comes down to. You can rebel, but you just pay more if you rebel. You can follow the rules, you can just benefit yourself if you do follow the rules, for the real romance is in the choice we have for ourselves in every genuine way. The reality that says, think, act, then generate your desired reality by the rules only. That is the real tale of the genuine everyday genius.
My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer. As a kid I did construction work with my Dad which taught me many things like plumbing, hard labor and electrical systems, and I took notes for my Dad's home poker games at my Uncle Johnnie Gilmore's house, so I have a lot of life experience, sure. But I went to Cal State Dominguez Hills College, UCLA, and El Camino Junior College and learned a lot, but never got around to getting a degree, just lots of money spent, good grades and some credits. So, here I am currently freelance writing and working at a senior center for a living. But enough details of my life, what I do is not what I am. So here is what I enjoy, I enjoy reading, listening to music (everything from Beetoven, Strauss and Bach to The Meters, ELO and The Band and Dylan/Garcia and The Grateful Dead also, when they were the Grateful Dead. Well, as you can tell by SOME of the music I listen to, I am a very eclectic person. I am also a deep science fiction fan and as said before, a lover of books. If I were to go into everything it would take thousands of words and I only have about three hundred words here, of which I have used 290 of already. Well, I end here. Thanks. Joshua Clayton.

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How to Set Up a Think Tank of Your Own

By Lance Winslow

Have you ever considered opening your own local think tank? Why not, perhaps you are a smart person and have many smart friends too. Why not get together once a week and discuss the issues of our time, and find solutions to local problems in your region? May you and your friends believe you can make a breakthrough and really conquer a huge challenge in our present period? Why am I so sure you can do this?
Well, we run a Net-Centric type Think Tank with many small close knit groups which operate in their own geographical areas solving local problems, inventing, and discussion national and international issues. Sometimes the local groups borrow specific expertise from other think tank chapters as needed.
Of course, if you set up your own local think tank, perhaps you might have professors at a local college that might be willing to help answer questions when you get stuck? Maybe a local city council will ask you to help them or form a committee to tackle a problem there?
You know, although they would be different than the group you set up, our groups often come up with an innovation and end up breaking away into sub-groups to start businesses, thus we act as an incubator as they then spin off. My job is to screen folks, thru natural email conversations, then refer them to the sub-groups that are working on projects or to a local chapter. Or help them set up a local chapter if none is already existing. It's actually a pretty fun.
If you set up your own local think tank maybe you could recruit people, set up meetings, and really make some progress. Maybe the conversations and debates you have at your meetings could tie-in technology, common sense, efficiency, society, economics, and politics into solutions for water, transportation, communication, distribution, language, money flows, military, infrastructure, etc. It's pretty fun. You'd probably enjoy it. Just a thought, think on it.
Lance Winslow - Lance Winslow's Bio. Lance Winslow is a nice guy and retired gentleman.

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Thinking Outside the Box

By Willie Horton

Do you think that Bill Gates thinks there's a box? Or Warren Buffet? Do you think that Muhammad Ali thought there was a box? What about Sir Richard Branson? How do you think Tiger Woods or Roger Federer would feel if they thought that they had to operate inside 'the box'.
Very often, I hear business leaders - I mean 'normal' business leaders, not the people whose names we all know - talk about 'thinking outside the box'. This phrase is frequently used in business, whether it relates to problem solving or innovation. Lots of business people talk about it - very few ever rise to what is in fact not much of a challenge at all. What very few of them have realised is that there is no box!
Only special people, unusually successful people - in other words, not normal people - realise this fact. That's why we all know their names - they stand head and shoulders above the rest of us.
There is no box - other than the box we create for ourselves. From a very early age, society and education fashion a box for us - and because we're all in the box together, it seems OK. "Get yourself a good education" (Bill Gates dropped out of university) or "Get yourself a good job" (Richard Branson left school when he was sixteen and started Student magazine).
When you do get yourself a good job, you're taught how to be a "team player" - that really means "Don't do anything that would upset anyone else on the team, play by the rules and, for God's sake, don't do anything unusual or innovative." And, of course, organisations have a "corporate culture" - that means "this is how we do things around here - conform".
So the box - that you've effortlessly slid into - is all around you, supported by the mindless behaviour of all the other clones. And when I hear people talking about "thinking outside the box", I know for a fact, that most of them never will.
Never mind "thinking outside the box" - what about living outside it?
The Buddha knew there was no box - it just took him a while to experience it. And the people I've already mentioned had some inkling too - although, perhaps, only in relation to certain aspects of their lives, where they were more driven towards the achievement of their goals.
The box that you live in - the box that you think inside - was created for you during your formative years - at home, at school, at college, in your first job or two. It's based on what other people told you - and, like a sheep, you've conformed - you've followed. The blind have been leading the blind.
It's time to step outside the box.
But, actually, you already know how to do that - we all do it from time to time, without realising we're free! For example, I mentioned problem solving earlier. When are you most likely to think of the solution to something that's been bugging you? When you're not thinking about it, of course! When you're in the toilet, the bath, or brushing your teeth.
Of course, you're not being a team player in the toilet - corporate culture is never squeezed onto your toothbrush! You solve problems when you accidentally wander outside the box. What you need to be able to do is wander outside the box when you decide - who knows, you might even stay outside and, in doing so, realise that, in reality, there never was a box.
Artists, scientists, inventors all wander outside the box too - Picasso called it inspiration, Thomas Edison cultivated his ability to wander when he felt like it. You've got to do the same.
How? Well, does 'sitting on the toilet' give you a hint? We need to make space in our lives to do nothing - to daydream (which is completely different from being distracted or letting your mind wander - but other articles deal with this). The Buddha became enlightened when he was sitting under a tree. Newton discovered gravity while he was doing the same thing.
The best way to be inspired, of having ground-breaking ideas, of innovatively solving problems, is to take a step back from what you're doing, to slow down, to give your mind the space it needs to be inspired. And, to do this as an integral part of your daily life.
I'm not talking about power napping, nor am I talking about meditating in the conventional sense, nor am I suggesting you go for a walk to think things through. I suggest to you - to all my clients - that you set aside a little time most days to sit down - by the river or canal, at a pavement cafe, on your patio or balcony in the evening - and do absolutely nothing.
You might be surprised by what dawns on you.
Copyright (c) 2009 Willie Horton
Willie Horton was born and educated in Dublin, Ireland. An ex-Accountant and ex-Banker, he has worked with business leaders for thirteen years, enabling them understand how their state of mind creates their lives. Clients describe the results as 'unbelievable' and 'life-changing'.Willie now lives with his wife and children in the French Alps.

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Keys to Life Innovation! Unleash the Power Today

By Nicholas Finegan

For you or anyone else to become a life innovator you need to have a plan! This plan must be infused with a clear mind and good self esteem.
To become a life innovator means to invent and re-invent your life to create the life-style you deserve. This means freeing yourself from confusion, pain, judgments and taking control of your destiny.
Steps you need to take:
1. Make sure you know what you want.
2. Make sure you have good self esteem to keep yourself on the right path.
3. Make sure you stay motivated and learn from your mistakes.
4. Make sure you are goal oriented. Nothing is worse than innovating your life without a set of powerful goals in mind.
Now once you know you can do all this, your already on your way to starting your life innovation process.
The most important thing you need to innovate your life is to have good self esteem. Innovated self esteem techniques keep you powerful in the pursuit of your innovation endeavors.
Most people seek life innovation because they are fed up of being told what to do or are fed up of settling for less in life and/or desire more out of life!
For you to be here reading this right now means you have already taken the right steps to manifesting life innovation. Your inner resources will become unlimited for you to adapt and maneuver around the rough edges of your life.
Now, the next step you need to take is to use the three steps and your self esteem to manifest life success and design the life you deserve...
Most people have no clue what life innovation is. It is a very rare subject that is underground in the personal development world...
Follow these three steps and you are already on your way to Life Innovation. Be prepared for the process thats about to take place. It will be a miraculous one if you know what your doing and have good self esteem to guide your success.
So after reading this article you have decided that life innovation is exactly what you need.
The most powerful system I have found to dramatically increase self worth to start your life innovation process is the Higher Self Esteem and More Course.
To your positive life innovation success

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Corporate Values - Innovation

Innovation as a corporate value; I would not use it..."Innovation is a driving force in our company. It enables us to create new products and technologies as well as processes." The above statement is more of a wish what the company would like the achieve than a statement about value what it likes to be.
A first reason why innovation doesn't fit very well in the catalog of corporate values is that it is too much business related. Who would you tell your recruitment department to focus on hiring employees that are innovative? And is it important for employees to be innovative even if your company's main focus is innovation? Another question is whether innovation fits as a business focus. Some companies more than others need continuous innovation, but that doesn't mean each and every employee must be screened top match the innovator.
A suitable value that may replace innovation is creativity. Change is another, but as a value it is not very suitable. You can ask people to act with integrity, responsible, focused on performance, but you cannot ask them to accept any change without knowing what and why. The dilemma with innovation is similar; it must serve a purpose.
Credibility is also at stake: what would you do if the corporate value "innovation" doesn't reflect the tendency of the human resources in the organization?
Corporate values are often announced and selected after a change. The management of the company has analyzed the business and found a lack of focus in the organization and as an answer a set of values are to solve a cultural problem. The right remedy for these kinds of situations is to get the business (focus and strategy) right first and than reorganize the structure of the organization. Corporate values may help in this alignment process, but they cannot solve problem.

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Innovate Yourself

by : Army Twain

My friend is a speaker and she told me that so many years ago, when she was speaking for a group, the director started to ask her how she came about speaking on the topics or issues she did and how did she particularly define that. My friend replied that she had not really looked at something in particular. My friend added that she was speaking and discussing in those topics that really moved her, intellectually, spiritually and emotionally and most especially on some topics of discussion which she believed will greatly help people. Then the director suddenly brought up the thought.
"But why not invent or re-invent yourself, every so often?" my speaker friend was about to make a note, that she was doing fine as it pertains to monetary compensation and everything, but when the director in the audience all of a sudden brought up that idea to invent and re-inventing oneself, my friend also reflected. The very word "invent" carries with it, the purpose or reason of a designed and desired result. That is where one should start, and then work backwards. My friend realized that though she had taken enough planning and thought on which direction or way she wanted her life and course to go, she actually never approached it from the angle of inventing herself, nor with the plan or intention of inventing.
The power of this approach is that how you live your life and more significantly, the kind of person you want or like to be is not left to fate, destiny, whims, current happenings or even circumstances. There are several people that do not live with end-purpose-intent/motive. They simply let their life, just freely move around or bounce from random choosing, however the boss might react, whatever will take place, to whatever feels good at that moment. Okay, say for example you take an individual's manner of dressing. Several on one side of society just take sit as it sees, accepts what's given or simply remains and stays loyal to the way they dressed when they were in high school or college.
While the other side especially the current pop culture and fashion, just lets whoever is the big name on Fashion Network determine the style and length of their pants, how they look or what type of design, color, cut etc. So rather than letting all those other outside influences dictate your choices and designs, why not just "invent" the person you want to be in your clothes? It is incredible how much power, control and direction it can give you. Then try working in that desired direction. Think and decide if the clothing is appropriate for your work, your values, your family and friends.

Or much more importantly, the family you want to have in the future and the values you want to have. The person you want to be and the job you want to do. Always "invent" with the style and design of who you want to be and the life you always dream to have.

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